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<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />



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protected void Application_Start()



log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("~/log4net.config")));


public log4net.Ext.IExtLog log = log4net.Ext.ExtLogManager.GetLogger("dblog");

log.Warn(Utils.GetIP(), item.ACCOUNT, Request.Url.ToString(), "Login", "系统登录,登录结果:" + json.Msg);

log.Info(Utils.GetIP(), item.ACCOUNT, Request.Url.ToString(), "Login", "系统登录,登录结果:" + json.Msg);

log.Error(Utils.GetIP(), item.ACCOUNT, Request.Url.ToString(), "Login", "系统登录,登录结果:" + json.Msg);




using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using log4net.Core;namespace log4net.Ext{    public class ExtLogImpl : LogImpl, IExtLog    {        ///         /// The fully qualified name of this declaring type not the type of any subclass.        ///         private readonly static Type ThisDeclaringType = typeof(ExtLogImpl);        public ExtLogImpl(ILogger logger)            : base(logger)        {        }        #region IExtLog 成员        public void Info(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message)        {            Info(clientIP, clientUser, requestUri, action, message, null);        }        public void Info(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message, Exception t)        {            if (this.IsInfoEnabled)            {                LoggingEvent loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent(ThisDeclaringType, Logger.Repository, Logger.Name, Level.Info, message, t);                loggingEvent.Properties["ClientIP"] = clientIP;                loggingEvent.Properties["ClientUser"] = clientUser;                loggingEvent.Properties["RequestUrl"] = requestUri;                loggingEvent.Properties["Action"] = action;                Logger.Log(loggingEvent);            }        }        public void Warn(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message)        {            Warn(clientIP, clientUser, requestUri, action, message, null);        }        public void Warn(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message, Exception t)        {            if (this.IsWarnEnabled)            {                LoggingEvent loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent(ThisDeclaringType, Logger.Repository, Logger.Name, Level.Warn, message, t);                loggingEvent.Properties["ClientIP"] = clientIP;                loggingEvent.Properties["ClientUser"] = clientUser;                loggingEvent.Properties["RequestUrl"] = requestUri;                loggingEvent.Properties["Action"] = action;                Logger.Log(loggingEvent);            }        }        public void Error(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message)        {            Error(clientIP, clientUser, requestUri, action, message, null);        }        public void Error(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message, Exception t)        {            if (this.IsErrorEnabled)            {                LoggingEvent loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent(ThisDeclaringType, Logger.Repository, Logger.Name, Level.Error, message, t);                loggingEvent.Properties["ClientIP"] = clientIP;                loggingEvent.Properties["ClientUser"] = clientUser;                loggingEvent.Properties["RequestUrl"] = requestUri;                loggingEvent.Properties["Action"] = action;                Logger.Log(loggingEvent);            }        }        public void Fatal(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message)        {            Fatal(clientIP, clientUser, requestUri, action, message, null);        }        public void Fatal(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message, Exception t)        {            if (this.IsFatalEnabled)            {                LoggingEvent loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent(ThisDeclaringType, Logger.Repository, Logger.Name, Level.Fatal, message, t);                loggingEvent.Properties["ClientIP"] = clientIP;                loggingEvent.Properties["ClientUser"] = clientUser;                loggingEvent.Properties["RequestUrl"] = requestUri;                loggingEvent.Properties["Action"] = action;                Logger.Log(loggingEvent);            }        }        #endregion    }}
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using log4net.Core;using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Reflection;using System.Text;namespace log4net.Ext{    public class ExtLogManager    {        #region Static Member Variables        ///         /// The wrapper map to use to hold the 
objects ///
private static readonly WrapperMap s_wrapperMap = new WrapperMap(new WrapperCreationHandler(WrapperCreationHandler)); #endregion #region Constructor /// /// Private constructor to prevent object creation /// private ExtLogManager() { } #endregion #region Type Specific Manager Methods /// /// Returns the named logger if it exists /// ///
If the named logger exists (in the default hierarchy) then it /// returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns ///
/// The fully qualified logger name to look for ///
The logger found, or null
public static IExtLog Exists(string name) { return Exists(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(), name); } /// /// Returns the named logger if it exists /// ///
If the named logger exists (in the specified domain) then it /// returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns ///
/// the domain to lookup in /// The fully qualified logger name to look for ///
The logger found, or null
public static IExtLog Exists(string domain, string name) { return WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(domain, name)); } /// /// Returns the named logger if it exists /// ///
If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's domain) then it /// returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns ///
/// the assembly to use to lookup the domain /// The fully qualified logger name to look for ///
The logger found, or null
public static IExtLog Exists(Assembly assembly, string name) { return WrapLogger(LoggerManager.Exists(assembly, name)); } /// /// Returns all the currently defined loggers in the default domain. /// ///
The root logger is
not included in the returned array.
All the defined loggers
public static IExtLog[] GetCurrentLoggers() { return GetCurrentLoggers(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); } /// /// Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified domain. /// /// the domain to lookup in ///
/// The root logger is
not included in the returned array. ///
All the defined loggers
public static IExtLog[] GetCurrentLoggers(string domain) { return WrapLoggers(LoggerManager.GetCurrentLoggers(domain)); } /// /// Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's domain. /// /// the assembly to use to lookup the domain ///
/// The root logger is
not included in the returned array. ///
All the defined loggers
public static IExtLog[] GetCurrentLoggers(Assembly assembly) { return WrapLoggers(LoggerManager.GetCurrentLoggers(assembly)); } /// /// Retrieve or create a named logger. /// ///
Retrieve a logger named as the
/// parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the /// existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is /// created.
/// ///
By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit /// it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of /// log4net.
/// The name of the logger to retrieve. ///
the logger with the name specified
public static IExtLog GetLogger(string name) { return GetLogger(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(), name); } /// /// Retrieve or create a named logger. /// ///
Retrieve a logger named as the
/// parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the /// existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is /// created.
/// ///
By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit /// it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of /// log4net.
/// the domain to lookup in /// The name of the logger to retrieve. ///
the logger with the name specified
public static IExtLog GetLogger(string domain, string name) { return WrapLogger(LoggerManager.GetLogger(domain, name)); } /// /// Retrieve or create a named logger. /// ///
Retrieve a logger named as the
/// parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the /// existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is /// created.
/// ///
By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit /// it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of /// log4net.
/// the assembly to use to lookup the domain /// The name of the logger to retrieve. ///
the logger with the name specified
public static IExtLog GetLogger(Assembly assembly, string name) { return WrapLogger(LoggerManager.GetLogger(assembly, name)); } /// /// Shorthand for
. ///
/// Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. ///
/// The full name of
will /// be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. ///
the logger with the name specified
public static IExtLog GetLogger(Type type) { return GetLogger(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(), type.FullName); } /// /// Shorthand for
. ///
/// Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. ///
/// the domain to lookup in /// The full name of
will /// be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. ///
the logger with the name specified
public static IExtLog GetLogger(string domain, Type type) { return WrapLogger(LoggerManager.GetLogger(domain, type)); } /// /// Shorthand for
. ///
/// Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. ///
/// the assembly to use to lookup the domain /// The full name of
will /// be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. ///
the logger with the name specified
public static IExtLog GetLogger(Assembly assembly, Type type) { return WrapLogger(LoggerManager.GetLogger(assembly, type)); } #endregion #region Extension Handlers /// /// Lookup the wrapper object for the logger specified /// /// the logger to get the wrapper for ///
the wrapper for the logger specified
private static IExtLog WrapLogger(ILogger logger) { return (IExtLog)s_wrapperMap.GetWrapper(logger); } /// /// Lookup the wrapper objects for the loggers specified /// /// the loggers to get the wrappers for ///
Lookup the wrapper objects for the loggers specified
private static IExtLog[] WrapLoggers(ILogger[] loggers) { IExtLog[] results = new IExtLog[loggers.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < loggers.Length; i++) { results[i] = WrapLogger(loggers[i]); } return results; } /// /// Method to create the
objects used by /// this manager. ///
/// The logger to wrap ///
The wrapper for the logger specified
private static ILoggerWrapper WrapperCreationHandler(ILogger logger) { return new ExtLogImpl(logger); } #endregion }}
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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using log4net;namespace log4net.Ext{    public interface IExtLog : ILog    {        void Info(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message);        void Info(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message, Exception t);        void Warn(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message);        void Warn(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message, Exception t);        void Error(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message);        void Error(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message, Exception t);        void Fatal(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message);        void Fatal(string clientIP, string clientUser, string requestUri, string action, object message, Exception t);    }}
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